Monday, May 17

Some words of wisdom from my mum.

My mum is gone and some days I find it really sad, but then I think of what she would say. "Kiss it all up to God, Kelly", and she is right. Some things I just have to let go of and hope for the best.

These past few weeks have been wrought with confusion for what I want to do with my life. Do I want to stay in my job as an accountant (blah) or start really working on my crafts and try to make a go of it. There are so many inspiring stories out there and here in Ipswich it seems like there are more and more chickas like myself who are following their hearts and making their mark.

I would like to dedicate this post to the local people (mostly the girls) who are inspiring me to go for gold...

Vintage by Lou Lou who is jumping forward in leaps and bounds with her new website and Charity Events

Tania from Jet Beads and Crafts who made the massive move and is reaping the rewards

Kyla Does Stuff, the crafty queen of multitasking who also has a hand in The Ipswich Indoor Bazaar

I am yet to meet most of these girls but am so inspired by them. Maybe if I take a little from each, I will find the path.


Buy Design said...

Oooh a new blog. And from a jewellery maker too. I'll be your Scottish Follower. I think everyone should have one !!! I keep finding creative people in Ipswich, usually via Bubbachenille and Handmade Heaven.
Good luck with finding what you really want to do... tricky for all of us I think.

Cuggles! Kids said...

Sounds like you had a beautiful relationship with your Mum Kelly. Good luck determining your next move. I struggled for a long while in the wrong profession too. While I'm not making millions from Cuggles, the shift was more a gradual transition to something that fit well with motherhood. Lots of people would advise you continue your passion outside of accounting hours until you feel more steady about making a change. Whatever you decide, it has to be right for you. I'll look forward to reading about your journey!