Wednesday, May 12

Inspiration from hell!

I know, I know, I haven’t stuck true to my promise to post here often. Well, things get away from me sometimes!

I have been struggling for inspiration lately in my jewellery creation, I know it’s only a hobby but it fulfils me and satisfies my need to create, but we all fall into a slump every now and then. There is a plethora of handmade EVERYTHING out there and I have been trolling the www for new ideas to inspire me.But instead cam across these questionable creations…………hmmmm. Well they were entries in the ‘Annual Ugly Necklace Competition’

Here is my best...or should I say worst attempt at creating UGLY for the 2009 Land of Odds Ugly Necklace Contest.  My submission is called Coffin Nails.
It is against our instinct to purposely NOT create well-balanced and pretty, which makes this contest a challenge.
Warren Feld, the the owner of the online jewelry supplies store, hosts this contest every year.
Your vote lets us know how well or badly weve done in our Ugly challenge! 
So now I return to my beading table and wait for non-ugly inspiration to take me over.


bubbachenille said...

Mmmmmmm some of thse are just gorgeously ugly!

Cuggles! Kids said...

Oh dear. Good idea to wait it out!